China has today confirmed 9 deaths due to novel coronavirus which has spread to many cities in China including Wuhan, Beijing, Shanghai and southern Guondong province. A total of 440 cases of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus had been reported in China and neighbouring countries. 3 cases confirmed in Thailand and 1 each in Japan and South Korea. Authorities stepped up efforts to control the outbreak by discouraging public gatherings in Hubei province where outbreak started.

Meanwhile, Emergency Committee of World Health Organisation has convened a meeting today under in Geneva to determine whether the outbreak constitutes a “public health emergency of international concern”.

“As transmission of virus between humans is confirmed it has become a major cause of concern for the health officials. Among the major challenges, first is to find out the origin of the virus which is yet to be identified. And second is the new virus was adapting and mutating which has increased the challenges in controlling the outbreak. There are no medication or vaccine available for it as of now. China has shared the genome sequence to the WHO and scientists worldwide to get a probable vaccine for this. All eyes are now on WHO emergency meeting which will take place in few hours from now as to how the experts across the world see this problem and what kind of steps are needed.