China had condemned the Thursday attacks on Kabul airport and is “ready to work with the international community to address the threat of terrorism and prevent Afghanistan from becoming a source of terrorism again.”

In Beijing’s first reaction on the suicide bombing outside Kabul airport, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian on Friday said China has requested the relevant parties to take measures to ensure the safety of Chinese personnel. He said no Chinese were killed or injured in the attacks and that China had advised its citizens in the country to “strengthen security precautions.”

China has kept its embassy in Kabul open and recently hosted talks between the Taliban and its ambassador, while criticising the U.S. for hasty withdrawal for all the chaos at Kabul airport and at other places. The attack has reportedly killed more than 80 deaths in the blasts on Thursday. Isis-K, an Afghanistan-based offshoot of extremist group Islamic State, claimed responsibility.

Zhao also reiterated China’s concerns over what Beijing says is a threat to its security constituted by the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, whose ability to mount anti-China operations has long been questioned.

“The head of the Afghan Taliban has made it clear to China that he will never allow any forces to use Afghan territory to do things detrimental to China,” Zhao said. “We hope that the relevant parties will take effective measures to ensure a smooth transition of the situation in Afghanistan and the personal safety of the Afghan people and foreign citizens there,” he said.