Uttar Pradesh, CBI has tightened the noose around BJP MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar and his associates in Unnao Gang Rape Case. After arresting BJP MLA, investigation agency will now file an application for cancellation of bail granted to other accused in the rape case. Our Correspondent reports that:

After day-long detainment and marathon questioning for more than 16 hours yesterday, BJP MLA from Bangarmau Kuldeep Singh Sengar was finally arrested late in the evening. He will be produced in local CBI court today. CBI sources told that during investigation certain inconsistencies were found in Sengar’s statements over the rape incident for which agency will require his custody.

CBI will now focus on Sengar’s associates in the same case, who are on bail and will approach court today for its cancellation. Yesterday CBI team visited the hotel in Unnao where the victim and her family is housed under police protection and recorded their statements. Sleuths of CBI also grilled suspended police officials of Unnao police and doctors in the case of custodial death of the victim’s father.