The CBI had received a complaint that Balakrishna has got two passports through illegal means. CBI sources said the allegations were that Balakrishna had fudged certain documents and has multiple passports, which is a punishable offence under the Indian Passport Act.

Besides his doubtful nationality, Balakrishna is under scanner of various central investigating and law enforcement agencies for allegedly acquiring wealth disproportionate to his known source of income.
“A complaint has been received and we are examining it. It is alleged that Mr. Balakrishna has got two passports acquired through illegal means,” a CBI official said.

Balakrishna had earlier told media that he was born in Haridwar and he was an Indian. ‘I have completed my education here. My parents are from Nepal” he said.

However, Ramdev’s on Sunday said that Balakrishna’s passport was valid. “He had got his passport about 12-13 years back. Why is the government now raising questions about it? Asked Ramdev