The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) conducting searches at RJD Rajya Sabha MP Prem Chand Gupta’s Delhi residence and RJD MLA Kiran Devi’s Patna residence in connection with the land for job scam. The probe agency is conducting searches at 9 locations including Patna and Bhojpur in Bihar, Delhi, Gurugram, and Noida.
The premises being searched in Delhi are linked to Prem Chand Gupta, while places in Bihar are related to Kiran Devi and Kiran Devi’s husband and former RJD MLA Arun Yadav. CBI’s simultaneous raids are underway at the locations of the close aide of RJD Chief Lalu Prasad Yadav. It is alleged that the land for jobs scam is related to the tenure of the then Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav during 2004 – 2009 in the erstwhile UPA regime.