BJP and Congress have demanded resignation of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for his alleged role in money laundering and Hawala transaction. Briefing media in New Delhi Sunday, BJP leader Meenakshi Lekhi asked for a thorough probe into the matter. She said, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is a one man party which is indulging in corrupt practices and filling the coffers of their families. Mrs Lekhi said, AAP misled public and broke their trust and people of the national capital are fed-up with Delhi government.
“BJP has to follow the law and all I can say is that the people of Delhi are fed up with this kind of governance. The Aam Aadmi Party is no longer, Aam Admi Party, it has become Kejriwal Admi Party. Entire structure is getting dismantled by none other than their won MLA’s and their own leaders”, she said.
The Congress too has demanded Arvind Kejriwal’s resignation. Delhi Congress president Ajay Maken alleged that AAP is getting funds from separatist groups that have pro-Khalistan connections. He questioned why no FIR has been registered against Delhi Chief Minsiter and AAP.
“Why, as of now, the BJP has not been able to lodge even a single FIR under PMLA against Aam Admi Party, this is something which is a matter of concern and we demand from the BJP that immediately action under PMLA, should be taken and FIR should be lodged against Kejriwal and his government,” he said.
Earlier in the day, sacked Delhi Minister Kapil Mishra had accused Mr Kejriwal of laundering money and having hawala links. He also alleged that Mr Kejriwal and his close aides are involved in converting black money into white.
Meanwhile, AAP has rubbished Kapil Mishra’s allegations. Briefing mediapersons in New Delhi, AAP leader Sanjay Singh alleged that the BJP is involved in the entire matter. He requested the Centre and BJP to stop trying to defame Arvind Kejriwal.