Nitish-KumarChief Minister Nitish Kumar today expanded his new Cabinet inducting 26 ministers from his Janata Dal (United) and the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA).

The new ministers were administered the oath of office and secrecy at a function at the Raj Bhavan by Governor Keshri Nath Tripathi.

On July 27 only Kumar and Sushil Modi were sworn-in as the chief minister and the deputy chief minister on July 27 and the ministry was expanded a day after the new JD(U)-NDA government won the confidence vote in the Bihar Assembly.
In the 243-member House, a maximum of 37 ministers are allowed as per the constitutional provisions.

While 14 from the JD(U) were made ministers, the NDA’s share was 12 from the BJP, one from the LJP — Pashupati Kumar Paras, a brother of Union minister Ramvilas Paswan.

The RLSP and the HAM, the two other NDA allies, went unrepresented.

In new council of ministers who were administered oath were Bijendra Prasad Yadav from JD(U), Prem Kumar from BJP, Rajiv Ranjan Singh alias Lalan Singh (MLC) from JD (U), Nand Kishore Yadav from BJP, Shravan Kumar from JD (U), Ram Narayan Mandal from BJP, Jai Kumar Singh from JD (U), Pramdo Kumar from BJP, Krishna Nandan Prasad Verma from JD (U), Maheshwar Hajari from JD (U), Vinod Narayan Jha (MLC) from BJP, Shailesh Kumar from JD (U), Suresh Kumar Sharma from BJP and Manju Verma from JD (U).

Governor also administered oath of office and secrecy to Vijay Kumar Sinha from BJP, Santosh Kumar Nirala from JD (U), Rana Ranvir Singh from BJP, Khursheed alias Firoz Ahmed from JD (U), Vinod Kumar Singh (BJP), Madan Sahni from JD (U), Krishna Kumar Rishi from BJP and Kapildeo Kamat from JD (U).

Mr Dinesh Chandra Yadav from JD (U), Ramji Rishideo from JD (U), Braj Kishore Bind from BJP and Pashupati Kumar Paras from LJP were also administered oath by the Governor.

Besides Kumar, Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi, LJP chief Ramvilas Paswan and the Speaker of the Bihar Assembly Vijay Kumar Choudhary attended the swearing-in function.

The ministry was expanded a day after the new JD(U)-NDA government won the confidence vote in the Assembly.

Earlier on Thursday, Nitish Kumar was sworn-in as Chief minister and Sushil Modi took oath as deputy chief minister. In the 243-member House, a maximum of 37 ministers are allowed as per the constitutional provisions. Vijendra Prasad Yadav of the JD(U) was the first to take oath followed by the BJP’s Prem Kumar, who was the Leader of the Opposition in the previous JD(U)-RJD-Congress government.

Others who took oath included the JD(U)’s Rajiv Ranjan Singh Lallan and the BJP’s Nand Kishore Yadav and Manju Verma. Mangal Pandey of the BJP, who was also party in-charge of Himachal Pradesh, could not come on time for the oath-taking.

On July 26 Kumar had  resigned as head of JD(U), the RJD and the Congress and joined hands with the BJP to form the new government.


The portfolios for other ministers are as follows:-

Nand Kishore Yadav– Road Construction

Shrawan Kumar– Rural Development and Parliamentary Affairs

Ram Narayan Mandal– Revenue and Land Reforms

Jai Kumar Singh– Industries, Science and Technology Pramod Kumar– Tourism

Krishnandan Verma– Education

Maheshwar Hazari– Building Construction Vinod Narayan Jha– PHED

Shailesh Kumar– Rural Works

Suresh Kumar Sharma– Urban Development and Housing

Kumari Manju Verma– Social Welfare

Vijay Kumar Sinha– Labour Resources

Santosh Kumar Nirala– Transport

Rana Randhir Singh– Cooperative

Khurshid alias Feroz Ahmad– Minority Welfare and Sugarcane Development

Vinod Kumar Singh– Mines and Geology

Madan Sahni– Food and Consumer Protection Krishna Kumar Rishi– Art and Culture

Kapildeo Kamat– Panchayati Raj

Dinesh Chandra Yadav– Minor Irrigation and Disaster Management

Ramesh Rishideo– SC, ST Welfare

Brij Kishore Bind– Backward and EBC Welfare

Pashupati Paras– Animal and Fish Resources.


मंत्रियों के विभागों का बंटवारा

1. नीतीश कुमार – गृह, सामान्य प्रशासन और निगरानी
2. सुशील मोदी – वित्त, वाणिज्य कर, वन और आईटी विभाग
3. विजेंद्र यादव – ऊर्जा, उत्पाद और मद्य निषेध विभाग
4. प्रेम कुमार – कृषि विभाग
5. ललन सिंह – जल संसाधन, योजना विकास
6. नंद किशोर यादव – पथ निर्माण विभाग
7. श्रवण कुमार – ग्रामीण विकास, संसदीय कार्य
8. रामनारायण मंडल – राजस्व, भूमि सुधार
9. जय कुमार सिंह – उद्योग, विज्ञान प्रावैधिकी
10. प्रमोद कुमार – पर्यटन विभाग
11. कृष्णनंदन वर्मा – शिक्षा विभाग
12. महेश्वर हजारी – भवन निर्माण विभाग
13. विनोद नारायण झा – PHED महकमा
14. शैलेश कुमार – ग्रामीण कार्य विभाग
15. सुरेश शर्मा – नगर विकास एवं आवास
16. मंजू वर्मा – समाज कल्याण विभाग
17. विजय सिन्हा – श्रम संसाधन विभाग
18. संतोष निराला – परिवहन विभाग
19. राणा रणधीर – सहकारिता विभाग
20. खुर्शीद उर्फ फिरोज – अल्पसंख्यक कल्याण, गन्ना उद्योग
21. विनोद सिंह – खान एवं भूतत्व
22. मदन सहनी – खाद्य एवं उपभोक्ता संरक्षण
23. कृष्ण कुमार ऋषि – कला संस्कृति विभाग
24. कपिल देव कामत – पंचायती राज विभाग
25. दिनेश यादव – लघु सिंचाई, आपदा प्रबंधन
26. रमेश ऋषिदेव – अनुसूचित जनजाति, कल्याण विभाग