The first Bharat Gaurav tourist train originating from the Telugu States commenced its journey from Secunderabad railway station yesterday. The Punya Kshetra Yatra: Puri – Kasi – Ayodhya train is being operated by the Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) which is providing end-to-end services for the pilgrims travelling by train.
The tour involves visiting important and historical places in Puri, Konark, Gaya, Varanasi, Ayodhya and Prayagraj over a period of eight nights and nine days. The train comprises both AC and Non-AC Class coaches to meet the demands of rail passengers. IRCTC Chairman and Managing Director, Rajni Hasija said the whole tour itinerary has been planned keeping in mind the significance of the places along with tourists’ interest. She said the tour provides an economical, safe and comfortable option for people planning to visit these places. South Central Railway General Manager Arun Kumar Jain stated the train offers a unique opportunity to pilgrim passengers to visit these culturally prominent places without the hassle of planning individual itinerary items.