Bangladesh Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha has resigned about six weeks after he went on leave amid criticism by the government over a Supreme Court verdict which scrapped Parliament’s power to remove judges on grounds of misconduct and incapacity.
Justice Sinha whose term was scheduled to expire in January next year is the first top judge of the country to step down. Now abroad, he sent his resignation letter to President Abdul Hamid today.
Amidst a fierce backlash from the ruling quarters over the top court’s verdict invalidating the 16th constitutional amendment thereby empowering the Supreme Judicial Council instead of Parliament to remove judges. Justice Sinha left on leave to Australia on 13th last month.
Before leaving he left a note saying he is not sick as claimed by the government but was leaving due to the embarrassment caused by criticism.
On 14th October, a day after he left for Australia, the Supreme Court issued a statement saying he is facing 11 charges including money laundering and corruption.