The accused was sentenced to undergo Life Imprisonment with a fine of Rs.10,000/- The investigation revealed that 84 year old Kumaranunni Nair(retired from the Indian Army as Hon. Lt.) and his wife 69 year old Anandavalli Amma were brutally murdered at their residence at Vallolil, Kulambukalam, Tharuakkurrissy West, Kannady P.O., Palakkad, Kerala during the night intervening 05.12.2006 and 06.12.2006 by inflicting fatal injuries on their bodies with sharp edged weapon. The dead bodies were burnt by using kerosene oil and coconut oil for destroying evidence. All possible clues were wiped out from the scene of crime which was treated with Phenol and Pepsi-Entrin compound to purge-out the body smell of the accused.
CBI registered the case on 14.11.2007 as per the directions of Kerala High Court in writ Petition (C) No.18993/2007 filed by the son of deceased couple. Earlier, the case was registered by Town South Police Station, Palakkad and CB, CID, Palakkad of Kerala.
After thorough investigation, CBI arrested the accused K.Babu,resident of Palakkad Distt. On 12/5/2009 and recovered the weapon of offence, Koduval (Billhook) and the stolen gold ornaments weighing 13 grams at his instance.
The charge sheet was filed against the accused on 06.08.2009, U/s 302, 449, 382, 392 and 201 IPC in the Court of Special Judge-I for CBI cases, Ernakulam. The Trial Court found the accused guilty and convicted him.