Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) Vice Chancellor, Professor Tariq Mansoor Friday inaugurated smart-class rooms in Department of Commerce, Faculty of Science (F Block), Bio-Chemistry Department , Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering (NL BLock), Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Hakim Ajmal Khan Tibbya College.
Congratulating the Smart-Class Room Committee, the Deans and Chairpersons, the Vice Chancellor said, “I am committed to improving and modernizing teaching-learning methods at AMU for the benefit of students, especially by leveraging ICT and updated knowledge systems. Our plan is to convert all classrooms in AMU into smart classrooms”.
All Deans, Chairmen, Convener and Members of Smart Class Room Committee, Member In-charge, University Engineers, Faculty members, research scholars and other staff attended the inaugural function of these smart-class rooms.