after holding final rounds of talks with the government.
Government has agreed to reinstate sacked and suspended pilots, restore recognition to their union and look into their complaints of irregularities.

Over 800 pilots, belonging to the erstwhile Indian Airlines and owing allegiance to the Indian Commercial Pilots Association, as also executive pilots, will return to work on Friday night.

After five hours of  negotiations with the Civil Aviation ministry officials, Bhinder along with ICPA general secretary Rishabh Kapur said all the pilots sacked and suspended during the stir would be reinstated.

ICPA, which was derecognised soon after the agitation started, will be recognised again, they said.

The striking pilots have been demanded that all sackings, suspensions and transfers affected during the strike period be revoked, ICPA’s recognition be restored, the contempt of court petition filed by Air India management be withdrawn, a CBI probe into the alleged corruption and mismanagement be ordered and all other issues be tackled in a time-bound manner.

Civil Aviation Minister Vayalar Ravi expressed happiness over the end of pilots strike.

He said that their was no ill will or there would be no feeling of vengeance with pilots