Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has asked the Taliban to enter serious talks with the government. In a televised address to the nation, Ghani said Taliban must accept Afghans’ demand for peace. He added that the victims of this war are Afghans and the peace process should also be Afghan-led.

This comes following unprecedented marathon negotiations between the Taliban the US in Qatar last week. The presidential office, earlier in a statement, said the US special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad has assured Ghani that the focus of the talks in Qatar was to find a way to facilitate peace negotiations between the militants and Kabul. Khalilzad arrived in Afghanistan yesterday after six days of talks between Taliban representatives and US officials in Doha.

Kabul has repeatedly complained of being excluded from the discussions in Qatar. It has warned that any deal between the US and the Taliban would require Kabul’s endorsement. However, the Taliban has long refused to speak directly to Ghani’s government, branding them puppets.