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Book Review

By Andalib Akhter

Corruption has always been at the centre stage of the Indian economy and polity. In fact, corruption has become a monster in way of India’s socio-economic progress. Various laws, social and political campaigns since independence have failed to curb the menace.

Now a senior journalist turned author, Manohar Manoj has come up with his thought-provoking book to curtail the growing danger of corruption.

He feels “A Crusade against corruption” has a strong possibility in India and that is why he put the same title for his book.

Manoj has completed this extensive book in two volumes after conducting a massive research and applying his broad observation and deep inside thoughts on the subject and after closely monitoring the issue of corruption from its various angles and from its all aspects; right from bottom to top, from political to apolitical, from administration to technocracy, from election to the voters, from NGOs to the community and finally through its after effects.

His books not only encompass every aspect of corruption, which gets started from numerous meaning and definitions of corruption and then he brings all human tendencies associated with corruption. He then brings all its possible world history and then its prevalence in various forms of governments followed by various modalities to check corruption.

This book is basically focused on India, so it has highlighted the various form of corruption from the very ancient period of the country to what is happening today. This book has compiled all the blown out scandals and scams, which used to be earlier headlines of media and views of common people respectively, right from the very beginning he has not spared even any minor highlights one can imagine.

Apart from this, the book presents, reflects and highlights all forms of structural corruption persisting in our country; in the day to day circumstances, in various organs of democracy viz., ‘executive’, ‘legislature’, ‘judiciary’ and the ‘media’, followed by various ministries, departments etc. The book tells us how corruption is precipitated in many sectors, institutions, and professions affecting the lives of we all Indians.

This book gives encyclopedic snapshots on the issues of corruption which impresses upon the people. He gives a clarion call that India needs a huge churning of thoughts towards the subject matter of corruption, which requires its solution in terms of weeding it out from the society and that has been described in this book intelligently. The solutions suggested the process to eradicate corruption requires a complete moral overhauling, pragmatic and effective laws, complete remaking of institutions, utmost use of technology, a mammoth policy-driven system, and fully accountable governance. And this process has to go through all kinds of checks and balances with a high degree of systemic precision. Author has successfully tried to touch every possible aspect of corruption thoroughly justifying his study initiative in this book besides suggesting some ornamental solutions to the issue.

Apart from this, the book depicts various sorts of public opinions and perspectives made over the issue of corruption, which has been accomplished through his massive research and surveys being carried out by him. Manoj has taken a holistic perspective in producing the comprehensive treatise on the subject ‘corruption’ through his book.


About Author:- Manohar Manoj is a senior journalist, a columnist, a blogger and also frequently seen in electronic media on various issues of national interests as the subject matter expert. He is currently the editor and publisher of a magazine, ‘Economy India’ published in two languages from Delhi. The author sees his book as an all-inclusive exercise on the topic of corruption, which contains a high degree of propensity, insights, concerns, observations and a wholehearted honest commitment towards the issues of corruption and he has succeeded in achieving his target.


Book–A Crusade Against Corruption on the Neutral Path
Author—–Manohar Manoj
ISBN—-978-81-939336-0-2(Vol.1), 978-81-939336-1-9(Vol.2)
Publisher—Economy India Publication, New Delhi
Pages——2 Volumes and 850 pages
Price —–990 / each volume and set price 1850/
For more information contact: 0-9811069966

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