Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalitha who has been in hospital for last 73 days today suffered a massive heart attack. She has been shifted to CCU at Appollo Hospital in Chennai.
As the report came in people in different parts of Tamil Nadu came out on street weeping and crying in panic.
A late evening press released issued by Apollo Hospitals COO Subbiah Viswanathan said, the Chief Minister “suffered a cardiac arrest this evening. She is being treated and monitored by a team of experts including cardiologists, pulmonologist and the critical care specialists.”
The scene outside Apollo Hospitals Chennai where Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has been admitted.
Home Minister Rajnath Singh spoke to Tamil Nadu Governor Ch. Vidyasagar Rao on Sudnay evening and enquired about health of Ms. Jayalalithaa.
Maharashtra Governor Ch. Vidyasagar Rao, who is holding additional charge of Tamil Nadu, is expected to arrive in Chennai at around 11 p.m. from Mumbai. It was not immediately known whether his return to the State capital was scheduled or due to the Chief Minister’s ill health.
Ms Jayalalithaa, who was admitted to the Apollo Hospitals on the night of September 22, with “low grade fever and dehydration”, was subsequently under intensive treatment from specialists and moved to a private ward only on November 19.
Several State Ministers, the Chief Secretary and top bureaucrats rushed to the hospital while Tamil Nadu Director-General of Police T.K. Rajendran who was in Madurai for a review meeting air-dashed to Chennai, advancing his scheduled trip. An emergency meeting was called at the police headquarters late on Sunday.