The Centre today rejected Congress allegation that the BJP led government was making efforts to destabilize the non-BJP ruled States. During the zero hour in the Lok Sabha, Home Minister Rajnath Singh said the ongoing internal differences within the Congress party were responsible for the recent political developments in Arunachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. He said, the BJP has nothing to with the situation in both the States.
Strongly dismissing the Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge’s accusation, Mr Singh said, since independence, it is the Congress which has destabilized the elected governments in the States. He said, so far the Congress has toppled the State governments on 105 occasions.
Earlier raising the issue, Mr Kharge accused the Centre for destabilizing the non BJP ruled States saying that it is an attack on democracy. He alleged that it wants to retain the power by hook or by crook. Later, dissatisfied with the Home Minister’s response the Congress staged a walkout from the House.