The Punjab Police has arrested a BSF jawan for helping arms and drug smugglers to infiltrate into Punjab from the Pakistan side of the border. Belonging to the 52nd battalion of the BSF, Anil Kumar was working for a Lahore based smuggler Imtiaz, who had introduced him to a group of Tarn Taran based smugglers.
The BSF jawan has admitted that he had helped to smuggle huge consignments of heroin in to India and had received plenty of money in lieu.
Anil was paid up to Rs 50,000 each time by Lahore-based smuggler Imtiaz who told him that they would help him become rich like other colleagues who had been able to buy big houses for themselves. Anil’s Pakistani handler had also given him a Pakistani SIM card to keep in touch.
It was Imtiaz who put Anil in touch with a group of smugglers led by a native of Tarn Taran in Punjab — Gurjant Singh aka Bholu. Gurjant Singh had been arrested in 2010 while smuggling 26 kilos of heroin into India. However, in 2013 he was able to run away from custody while he was being taken to the Ferozpur government hospital for a routine medical examination.
Meanwhile, Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal called on Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh in New Delhi yesterday. Talking to reporters after the meeting, Mr Badal said, he has requested the Home Minister to increase the presence of the Border Security Force in the state. On the Pathankot attack, he said, there was no failure on the part of the local police.