Maoists blew up a vehicle of a security forces in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur district killing eight soldiers and the vehicle driver. The incident took place near Ambeli under Kutru police station in Bastar division. The officials confirmed nine casualties including eight jawans and a driver.
About 9 jawans of the District Reserve Guard- DRG from Dantewada were on board the vehicle and were returning after a joint operation when rebels ambushed the team on Kutru – Bedre road. One jawan is missing after the incident.
The rebels triggered a powerful landline mine blast and blew up the vehicle in which security personnel were travelling. The rebels opened fire after the blast on the security personnel.
Amit Shah expresses grief over death of DRG soldiers in Bijapur IED blast
Home Minister Amit Shah has expressed sadness at the death of District Reserve Guard, DRG soldiers in an IED blast in Bijapur of Chhattisgarh.
In a social media post, Mr Shah extended his condolences to the families of the soldiers. He assured that the sacrifice of the soldiers will not go in vain and Naxalism will be rooted out from India by March 2026.