The technology has been transferred to AIMIL Pharmaceuticals (India) Ltd., New Delhi to manufacture and market this research product based on their technological and marketing credentials.

The product is acclaimed to be a boon for the patients of Leucoderma and is developed by extensive R&D work by the scientists of Defence Institute of Bio-energy Research (DIBER) (formerly Defence Agricultural Research Laboratory) based in Haldwani. DIBER is an affiliated institute of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and is engaged in extensive work in the area of medicinal plant and in R&D for generating bio-energy solutions for energy security.

The product, Lukoskin, was developed under the leadership of the former Director DARL, Dr Narender Kumar and his team. Special efforts in the development of this herbal product were made by the former head of the Herbal Medicine Division, Dr PS Rawat and the present head of the Phyto-Chemistry Division at Pithoragarh, Dr HK Pandey.

The herbal product will be available in the form of ointment and oral liquid.  DIBER Director, Dr Zakwan Ahmedi and the institute’s Director of Life Sciences, Dr G Ilavazhagan have pursued the case to bring the product into the market and bring  boon to the vitiligo affected person.

Leucoderma or vitiligo is an idiopathic acquired disorder of skin. Patients with vitiligo develop white spots in the skin with varying size and location. The world wide incidence of leucoderma has been reported 1 to 2%. In India, its incidence is around 4 to 5% and in some parts of Rajasthan and Gujarat it is very high more than 5 to 8%.   This skin disorder is considered as social stigma in our country and people confuse it with leprosy. The affected individuals are forced to remain in constant depression with the feeling of being socially outcast.

There are many existing remedies of this disorder namely allopathic medicines, surgical and adjunctive. None of the therapies has satisfactorily cure of this disease. Secondly, these are either costly or single component based, with very low level of efficacy and develop blister, edema, irritation in the skin with the result most of the patients discontinue the treatment. The scientists at DIBER have therefore focused on the causes of disease (aetiology) and found out a comprehensive formulation for the management of leucoderma from Himalayan herbs by exhaustive scientific studies leading to the establishment of the safety and efficiency of the product which extends the benefits on all fronts with very good efficiency. Clinically, the product is quite effective and helps not only in restoring the normal complexion in the affected area but also relieves the affected ones from mental stress, emotional and psychological trauma and thereby, enhancing the confidence and efficiency.