In an article senior BJP leader Arun Jaitley  said that the draft presumed that members of the majority community alone would create communal trouble. He wondered why law should so discriminate on the basis of religion or caste.

“This draft bill proceeds on a presumption that communal trouble is created only be members of the majority community and never by members of the minority community,” Jaitley writes.

“Offences committed by members of the majority community against members of the minority community are punishable. Identical offences committed by minority groups against the majority are not deemed offences at all.”

“The drafting of the bill appears to be a handiwork of those who have learnt from the Gujarat experience of how to fix senior leaders even when they are not liable for an offence,” Jaitley said.

“It is bound to be misused. Perhaps, that appears to be the real purpose behind it,” he said.