It agreed to impose an arms embargo on Libya, freeze the assets of the Gaddafi family and referred the Libyan authorities to the International Criminal Court.

The British Foreign Secretary, William Hague, has said the Libyan leader should now step down. Last night he signed a directive revoking diplomatic immunity of Mummar Gaddfi, as well as that of his son, his family and his household in the UK.

The United Nations refugee agency says about one hundred thousand people have fled the violence in Libya to neighbouring countries in the past week. Figures from the agency said the majority of them are foreign migrant workers.

Meanwhile latest media report suggest that Muammar Gaddafi is fast losing his shrinking territory in Libya where the opposition movement appears to be heading towards a siege of Tripoli.

Reports from the Libyan town of Zawiya say forces opposed to Col. Gaddafi are wholly in control of its centre and the area around it despite claim to the contrary by the authorities in Tripoli. However, the town is surrounded by pro-Gaddafi forces.
As more cities fell into the hands of the opposition, the pro-democracy protesters appointed ex-justice minister Mustafa Abdel-Jalil to lead a provisional government.

Advancing towards Gaddafi’s stronghold of Tripoli, protesters today gained control of Zawiyeh town, which is just 50 km from the capital, besides taking over Misurata in northwestern Libya, Al Jazeera reported.

However, security forces loyal to Gaddafi kept a firm hold of Tripoli, which is in all probability headed for a major showdown between the two sides.
While a major chunk of the oil-producing eastern region, including the birth place of this uprising Benghazi, now appears to be in the grip of the protesters, there were also reports of sporadic gunfire in the capital.

The 15-member Security Council today voted unanimously to slap “biting” sanctions on the regime, ordering an arms embargo, travel and assets ban and a crimes against humanity probe while demanding an immediate end to the violence “incited from the highest level” of Libyan leaders.
In another tough message, US President Barack Obama while speaking to German Chacellor Angela Merkel said that Gaddafi had lost legitimacy to rule and should leave “now”.

“The President stated that when a leader’s only means of staying in power is to use mass violence against his own people, he has lost the legitimacy to rule and needs to do what is right for his country by leaving now,” the White House said in a statement after the telephonic conversation between Obama and Merkel.
The UN action came as an exodus of foreigners continued in the midst of a worsening situation and growing anarchy.
Libya’s former justice minister Abdel-Jalil, meanwhile said he was forming a “transitional government” to replace Gaddafi’s crumbling regime.
In the eastern city of al-Baida, Abdel Jalil said the new administration would include commanders of the regular army, many of whom had defected to the opposition, and the set up would pave the way for free and fair elections in three months’ time, Al Jazeera said.
Observers have said that about 2,000 or more people have been killed across the country in the past few days of violence.