NEW DELHI: (AMN) Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) on Monday asked all airlines to maintain transparency in tariffs across Network. The airlines have also been asked to upload route wise tariff on their website or in daily newspapers. The airlines have to comply with these directions latest by 5 PM on the December 8 (Wednesday). A fresh directive was issued shortly after top officials of the Civil Aviation Ministry and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation met representatives of full-service carriers — Air India, Jet Airways and Kingfisher.

Earlier airlines were asked to bring down tariffs to reasonable level. Civil Aviation Minsiter Praful Patel had made it clear that exorbitant hike in air fares will not be allowed. According to official estimates after Minister’s intervention the airfares fell between 20 to 25 percent.

DGCA had met officials of the no-frill carriers IndiGo, Spicejet and GoAir, on Saturday after issuing a directive asking all carriers to explain the high fares they were charging.