GENEVA: (AMN) The Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha K Rahman Khan has called upon the nations of Asia-Pacific Group to make combine efforts to fight the menace of terrorism and show solidarity and collective regional action against all those who support and sustain it.

 He urged the member countries to re-commit in order to further strengthen cooperation and coordination for better and rapid development of the region.

Khan said that the Asia-Pacific region has become a very important component of regional cooperation within the IPU.

He underlined that with  27 countries of the Group and in spite of diversities of area, population, culture and system of Government,  the group nations have common aspiration. “They want  desired level of development and emerging as prosperous modern nations”, khan said. 

 Rahman Khan who also chaired the meeting of the Asia-Pacific Group, at the 123rd Assembly of the IPU here highlighted that most countries of the region have undergone social, political and economic transformation and that the region has excelled in achieving economic development of high standards.

He said that emerging  partnership  is very significant for the prosperity and peace  of  the  region and the whole world.  “we firmly  believe  that  21st century is the century of the Asia-Pacific.

 India is the Chair of Asia-Pacific Group in the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).