Key domestic indices ended with gains on Tuesday. The Sensex at the Bombay Stock Exchange closed above the 63,100 level while the Nifty at the National Stock Exchange settled over the 18,700 mark. The Sensex advanced 418 points or 0.67 per cent to finish at 63,143. The Nifty added 114 points or 0.62 per cent to end at 18,716.
In the forex market, the rupee close at 82 rupees and 38 paise against the US dollar.
Gold prices, at Multi Commodity Exchange for August contracts, were trading at 59,650 rupees per 10 gram. On the other hand, Silver was trading at 73,226 rupees per kilogram for July Contracts when reports last came in.
In intra-day trade, Brent crude was trading at 73 dollars and 50 cents a barrel.