Madhya Pradesh government has launched a unique scheme to make women financially independent this evening. In this scheme, named Ladli Bahna, each woman will be given 1000 rupees per month. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan will deposit the first month’s amount of this scheme in the bank accounts of about 1.25 crore women at a State-level function in Jabalpur today.


Ladli Bahna Yojana was announced on the 5th of March this year and in about 35 days more than one crore 25 lakh women have filled the applications for the enrollment under this scheme. The State government has also issued a phone number 181 for the help of women. Apart from this, Ladli Bahna Army will also be formed for women empowerment and security. This Army will help in providing security to women and take benefits of government schemes. The Mukhyamantri Ladli Bahna Yojana is launched in the State with the goals of enhancing women’s economic independence, improving their health and nutrition status and expanding their influence over family decisions.