Enforcement Directorate has arrested Ayan Sil, a middleman cum agent involved in the illegal recruitment of teachers and staff in West Bengal. It said, the Court has granted his custody for 13 days. ED had earlier carried out searches at nine locations linked to Santanu Banerjee and Ayan Sil in the Teacher Recruitment Scam.

ED has so far arrested six persons involved in the Teachers Recruitment scam. They are Partha Chatterjee, MLA and the then Education Minister of West Bengal, Ms. Arpita Mukherjee, Manik Bhattacharya, MLA, TMC and the Ex- President of the West Bengal Board of Primary Education, Kuntal Ghosh and Santanu Banerjee and Ayan Sil in the Scam. The agency has already seized cash amounting to around 50 crore rupees and gold jewellery valued at more than five crore rupees. ED has also provisionally attached properties worth over 48 crore rupees in the case. The total seizure and attachment stand at one hundred eleven crore rupees in the Teachers Recruitment case so far.