Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called the wave of suspected poisonings of schoolgirls in recent months an “unforgivable crime”.

“If there are any people involved in the matter, and there certainly are… the perpetrators must be given the most severe of punishments,” he warned.

More than 1,000 girls at dozens of schools have been affected by unexplained illnesses since November. Incidents were reported in at least 15 cities and towns on Sunday alone.

Speaking on the sidelines of a ceremony to mark the National Tree Planting Day, Ayatollah Khamenei described the poisonings as a heinous and unforgivable crime.

Supreme Leader urges officials to pursue students’ poisoning seriously

“If the poisoning of students are proven, perpetrators should face maximum punishment with no pardon,” he said.

Earlier, President Ebrahim Raisi issued strict orders for pursuing the issue of poisonings in schools.

Raisi said the poisonings are a new plot by Iran’s enemies as he described them as an inhumane crime.

Ayatollah Khamenei on Monday planted a sapling in the premises of his office on Monday morning.

EARLIER President Ebrahim Raisi issued strict orders for pursuing the issue of poisoning the students and proper news dispatching about it, stressing this new plot of the enemy is quite an inhumane crime.

Speaking during his cabinet meeting on Sunday, Iran’s president referred to the intelligence minister’s report and surveys about the poisoning of s number of students in different Iranian cities, reiterating, “This is the new plot of the enemy aimed at intimidating the students, our dear children, and their parents, is an inhumane crime.”

The Iranian president emphasized the need for pursuing the issue and dispatching news precisely and on time, and ordered the concerned organization to ease the people’s worries.

“This move is another ring in the chain of the enemy’s plots aimed at creating tension in the society, disturbing the public opinion and horrifying the offspring of this land and territory, and its roots need to be identified and seriously dealt with,” added President Raisi.