International Flights to and from India will resume from midnight tonight. The flight operations is going to restart after a gap of two years. The Civil Aviation Ministry had suspended the regular international flights in March 2020 in view of the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to the Ministry, international operations shall be subject to strict adherence to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare guidelines for international travel.

Airport Authority of India has said, it has revised its existing COVID guidelines concerned with international operations. According to the revised guidelines of COVID 19, the restriction of keeping three seats vacant on International Flights is removed.

Also, the requirement of a complete PPE kit for crew members stands removed. The pat-down search conducted by the security personnel at the airport is re-introduced. Wearing masks at the airport or aircraft should still be continued.

The suspension of scheduled commercial international passenger services to and from India will end at 2359 hours tonight. Earlier, the Civil Aviation Ministry had said that after having recognized the increased vaccination coverage across the globe and in consultation with the stakeholders, the government has decided to resume scheduled commercial international passenger services to and from India.

The suspension of scheduled commercial international passenger services to and from India, thus, stands extended till 2359 hours on 26th March and air bubble arrangements shall accordingly be extended to this extent only.