Manipur Chief Minister N. Biren Singh today launched various welfare schemes implemented under NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) through video conferencing at Chief Minister’s Secretariat, Imphal. The schemes include Comprehensive Scheme for development of MSCB Ltd. and PACS (Primary Agriculture Co-operative Societies) in Manipur, infrastructure support to 10 PACS and two TDF projects in Churachandpur and Pherzwal district.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister said that the State Government has been making continuous efforts towards inclusive growth, welfare and development in the state. He said that NABARD is a major partner of the State Government. He mentioned that the Comprehensive Scheme for the development of MSCB Ltd. and PACS will help in strengthening the infrastructure of 46 Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies in the State. The financial support of Rs 10 lakh to 10 PACS sanctioned under MSCB Ltd would strengthen the basic infrastructure such as office furniture, PoS machines and software, he added.
Highlighting the importance of Tribal Development Fund projects, the Chief Minister said that these projects would help in achieving stable horticulture-based farming promoting sustainable agriculture and better livelihoods for the communities. Other activities would also be taken up towards better resource management, capacity building, women development and community health, he added.