Actress Urmila Matondkar today joined the Shiv Sena in the presence of party president and Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray and his wife Rashmi. Welcoming the actress-politician into the party’s fold, state Tourism Minister Aditya Thackeray tweeted that he looked forward to working with Matondkar and serving the nation.
Last year she resigned from the Congress party
It is believed that the MahaVikas Aghadi government led by Shiv Sena has suggested Matondkar’s name to the governor for nomination to the state legislative council. Matondkar had unsuccessfully contested the 2019 Lok Sabha polls from Mumbai North seat. She quit the party in September 2019 blaming the petty in-house politics in Mumbai Congress.
It may be recalled that Matondkar had criticised Kangana Ranaut for her reference to Mumbai as “Pakistan-occupied Kashmir”. The actress turned politician had asked Kangana to look at her own state when she claimed that Bollywood was riddled with nepotism and drug abuse.