Bangladesh Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal on Monday said that government has issued orders for stern action against the people who vandalised and torched homes of minority Hindu community in the Comilla district on Sunday over an alleged Facebook post derogatory to Islam. The Minister said that orders have been issued to arrest all the suspects and start legal action against those involved, reported the official news agency BSS.
Home Minister Kamal further said that several suspects have been arrested for vandalism. He said that additional police forces were deployed in the affected area to ensure security of the people. He said that mobile courts have been activated for immediate action against the culprits but they will face stern punishment after detailed investigation.
The SP of Commilla confirmed to BSS that five persons have been arrested and a mobile court has sentenced them each to one and half years of imprisonment after identifying them from the video footage of the incident which went viral on social media. He said that three cases have been registered against suspects.
Several households were vandalised and set on fire over an alleged post by a person who wrote in support of the stand taken by the French President Emmanuel Macron on the issue of the publication of the cartoon of Prophet Mohammad and subsequent violence in which a person was decapitated for showing the cartoons in the class.