Civil Aviation Minister Hardeep Puri today said that 300 flights have been planned by Air India Express under Phase-3 and 4 of Vande Bharat Mission. Briefing media in New Delhi, Mr Puri said, around 750 odd flights have been offered to domestic private carriers.
He said, around 40 odd flights have been scheduled by private operators. The Minister said, total 581 in-bound and 589 out-bound flights have flown under Vande Bharat Mission till 18th June by Air India Group. He said, Lifeline Udan has seen 588 flights so far and has carried over 940 tonnes of cargo.
Mr Puri said, close to two lakh 75 thousand Indians, who were stranded in foreign countries, have been brought back to the country in flights and ships during the lockdown. On a media query on International flights from India, he said, in absence of a decision on resumption of international civil aviation which will depend on other countries opening up, the government is left with no option, but to continue evacuation and repatriation flights under managed and controlled conditions.
He added that the exact time when we will resume international flight depends on the other countries to be open to receive flights.