Indian Space Research Organisation, ISRO, Chairman K Sivan has said the Chandrayaan-2 mission has achieved 98 per cent of its objectives.

He said the orbiter, with eight scientific instruments, is doing well and performing scheduled scientific experiments.

Talking to media persons in Bhubaneswar, Odisha today, he said, in case of technology demonstration, the success percentage was almost full.

The ISRO Chairman said, initially, the orbiter’s life was only one year, but due to optimum mission operations, it has increased to 7.5 years.

Mr Sivan said, ISRO has not been able to establish communication with the lander yet. He said, ISRO made all-out efforts to re-establish contact with ever since communication was lost on 7th of this month.

He said a national-level committee comprising academicians and ISRO experts are analysing the cause of the communication loss with Vikram. Mr Sivan said ISRO is focusing on space mission, Gaganyaan by 2020.

The ISRO chairman said the country is moving ahead to meet its target of sending man to space by December 2021.

Addressing students at IIT Bhubaneswar, Dr Sivan asked them to take calculated risks and innovate. He also called upon the IITians to come forward and contribute towards nation-building.