Commandos of the National Security Guard, NSG, scaled the Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak, in their maiden attempt. The NSG in a statement said in New Delhi today that a seven-member team led by Lt Col J P Kumar, successfully unfurled the Indian flag at the 8,848-metre tall peak at about 7 am today. The team adopted the southeastern approach via South Col in Solukhumbhu region of Nepal.

NSG Director General Sudeep Lakhtakia congratulated the team, saying “Everest demands doggedness, tenacity, perseverance, courage and multiple skills to survive in toughest conditions.

The 12-member team was flagged off by Home Secretary Rajiv Gauba on March 29 from in New Delhi. Five other members of the team are likely to summit the peak on May 22 as per schedule, the statement said.