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Speaker Sumitra Mahajan inaugurates CPA Conference in Patna

lok sabha speaker

Our Correspondent/ Patna

The Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan today stressed the need of sustainable development for all sections of society and urged Legislative and Executive to give way for effective participation of civil societies in the democratic process.

In her address after inaugurating the 6th Conference of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) of India Region here, Mrs Mahajan spoke about the objectives and role of the Parliamentary Association body.

She urged Legislative and Executive to give way for effective participation of civil societies in the democratic process.

The Lok Sabha Speaker said, there should not be any politics in development. She said, development is meant for society and it is not an achievement of any particular party.

The Lok Sabha Speaker stressed for sustainable development for all sections of society.

The 2-day conference will discuss subjects of ‘Parliament’s role in the development agenda’ and ‘Legislature and Judiciary’. Over 100 delegates from India and abroad, including Australia, Britain and Uganda, will participate in the conference. Speakers of State Assemblies, Chairpersons of Legislative Councils and delegates from across the country will also take part.

Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad and former Union Minister Murli Manohar Joshi will deliver key note address at the two plenary sessions of the event.


The Chairperson of CPA Executive Committee Emilia Lifaka pitched for participation of state and non-state actors to achieve the goals of sustainable development. She said, efforts are needed to increase representation of women in Parliament and Legislature.

In September 2015, a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with 169 targets were adopted by the world leaders within the broader framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to transform the world by ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity for all by the year 2030. As such, India’s commitment to SDGs is mirrored in its national development agenda.

As the highest representative institution, Parliament is mandated with the responsibility of debating, discussing and approving national development plans, policies and outcomes, and holding the Government accountable for delivery of developmental targets. Parliamentarians as well as legislators, as people’s representatives, can actively engage themselves not only in the development and implementation of policies but also in making the laws pro-poor, minority and gender-responsive, and environmentally sensitive so that the broad objectives inherent in the Sustainable Development Goals can be holistically achieved across the country.

The second subject, viz. Legislature and Judiciary – Two important Pillars of Democracy, to be deliberated during the Conference, has immense contemporary relevance. The makers of our Constitution were aware of the risks that our democratic polity might face when an organ wielded too much power. They therefore contemplated methods by which all three organs are able to harmoniously function within their respective domains, yet ensuring balance between each other, so as to operate national governance in an effective manner.

The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) is composed of over 180 Branches formed in Legislatures of Commonwealth countries enjoying parliamentary democracy. All the CPA Branches are geographically grouped into nine Commonwealth Regions.

The CPA India Region, which was earlier a part of CPA Asia Region, became an independent Region from 7 September, 2004. The India Region of CPA consists of the India Union Branch (Parliament of India) and 31 State / Union Territories Branches. Such Conferences of CPA India Region are held once in two years and the 5th Conference was held in 2015 in Goa.

Story is edited by Andalib Akhter

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