Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari today said that 85 percent of Banyan trees transplanted along Sant Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi Marg in Maharashtra have survived. The Transport Minister in a series of tweets informed that in February and March 2022, the Ministry for Road Transport and Highways conducted a transplantation project along the Sant Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi Marg, Maharashtra located on the Baramati-Indapur section of NH 965G. During this project, 1,025 Banyan trees were transplanted and 870 of the transplanted trees (85%) have survived.

The Minister said the transplanted trees are thriving and displaying healthy growth with the development of robust foliage every day. He said the project has not only helped in preserving the environment but has also provided a pleasing visual experience for the visitors traveling along the road.