Seven people were killed and many others were injured in a shooting incident in theGerman city of Hamburg. Police say the perpetrator shot himself inside theJehovah’s Witnesses hall after officers forced their way into the building. Theshooter was a 35-year-old man named Philipp F.

Thomas Radszuweit, aHamburg security official, said the shooter was not previously known toauthorities and there was no previous case against him. Chancellor Olaf Scholz,a former Hamburg mayor, described the shooting as a brutal act of violence.

Dramatic footage has now emerged that appears to show the gunman firing manyrounds through a window of the hall. All those shot dead were German nationals.Germany has been shaken by a number of shootings in the last few years. In February2020, a gunman shot dead nine people in the western town of Hanau beforekilling himself and his mother. In October 2019, a gunman killed two peoplewhen he opened fire outside a synagogue in the eastern city of Halle.