The year-long celebrations to commemorate the 125th birth anniversary year of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose will commence on 23rd January this year. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will preside over the inaugural event of the celebrations being held at Kolkata. Briefing reporters in New Delhi, Culture Minister Prahlad Singh Patel said, the government has decided to celebrate the birthday of Netaji as ‘Parakram Diwas’ on 23rd of January every year.
Mr Patel said, the birth Anniversary year of Netaji will be celebrated in a befitting manner at national and international level. He informed that a High Level Committee, headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has been constituted for deciding the programs, and to supervise and guide the commemoration throughout the year. The Committee will provide guidance for the commemoration activities in Delhi, Kolkata and other places associated with Netaji and Azad Hind Fauj, both in India as well as overseas.
The Minister further informed that the Ministry of Culture has proposed a number of activities and projects for this year-long commemoration. The inaugural function of the commemoration will be held at Victoria Memorial in Kolkata on 23rd January presided over by the Prime Minister. A permanent exhibition on Netaji and a Projection Mapping Show will be inaugurated on the occasion.
A cultural program “Amra Nuton Jouboneri Doot” will also be held based on the theme of Netaji. Mr Patel said, a commemorative coin and postage stamp will also be released on this day. He said that the Ministry of Culture will also be organising a programme at Netaji’s birthplace in Cuttack, Odisha. Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Dharmendra Pradhan will participate in this programme. Another programme is also being organised at Haripura in Gujarat which also has symbolic association with Netaji.
Ministry of Education proposed to establish five chairs on Netaji in five Indian Universities, organize online Lectures and Webinars on teachings of Netaji. National Film Development Corporation under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting will organize a short-film competition on – How to fulfil Netaji’s dreams for India. Doordarshan and All India Radio will host panel discussions, produce documentaries and other programs on the life and times of Netaji.