Veteran Marathi actor Pradeep Patwardhan passed away on Tuesday morning at his residence at Girgaon in Mumbai. He breathed his last at the age of 52.
Moruchi Mavashi was his most popular play. Apart from this, he acted in many popular Marathi films like Navara Majha Navsacha, Me Shivaji Raje Bhosle Boltoy, Lavu Ka Laath, Bhutalalela, Navra Majha Bhavara, Dom, Jamala ho Jamala. He also won the hearts of the audience by working in many serials, films and dramas.
Even the chief minister of Maharashtra, Eknath Shinde shared his sympathies. “Pradeep Patvardhan, the evergreen actor who ruled the hearts of the audience with his graceful acting in Marathi cinema, passed away tragically. With his departure, the Marathi art world has lost a great artist,” he wrote in Marathi.