António Guterres United Nation’s Secretary General Antonio Guterres has praised the India-UN Development Partnership Fund for championing greater prosperity for all through its myriad projects benefiting the least developed, landlocked and small island nations.

In a message he said, India is a valued supporter of South-South cooperation.

The India-UN Development Partnership Fund is a welcome contribution that is championing greater prosperity and opportunity for all.

The message was read out on the occasion of the commemoration of the second anniversary of the India-UN Development Partnership Fund organized by the Permanent Mission of India to the UN together with the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) yesterday. He commended India for its strong commitment to international cooperation, shared prosperity and the vision of ‘One UN’ as the world strives to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Government of India has committed a total of USD 150 million for this Fund over the next decade to support projects that are in alignment with the 2030 Agenda. The amount includes 50 million dollars under a separate Commonwealth Window, which has been established with the aim of working specifically with Commonwealth developing countries to promote common understanding and shared interests.

India is partnering with UNOSSC, as the Fund Manager and Secretariat of the fund, because UNOSSC’s global and UN-wide mandates allow for the office to respond to requests and implement projects through the various UN system agencies, funds, and programmes.