US N Korea

The White House has informed that US President Donald Trump’s meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is set for 9 AM, Singapore time, on June 12th.

Press Secretary Sarah Sanders made the announcement to reporters on Monday.

She said US officials who are in Singapore to prepare for the Trump-Kim summit will stay in the country until the talks take place.

Sanders also revealed that delegations from both countries are continuing diplomatic negotiations at the truce village of Panmunjom in the Demilitarized Zone between the 2 Koreas.

She said that things are continuing to move forward and good progress has been made.

She made clear that the focal point of the meeting will be denuclearization and that President Trump will convey his position directly to Kim.

Last week, Trump said he no longer wants to use the term “maximum pressure” in relation to the North. But, Sanders said the United States would not remove tough sanctions unless North Korea denuclearized.