A five-day-long Indian Film Festival commenced in Sri Lanka at Colombo with the screening of the Bollywood hit ‘83’. Organized by the High Commission of India in Colombo and its regional posts, in collaboration with the Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre, the festival will run across Sri Lanka until 10th January.  Speaking at the premiere of 83, Sri Lanka’s Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs, Sunil Kumara Gamage said that India’s sports genre movies have contributed greatly to sports and entertainment.

Showcasing a diverse lineup of Indian films spanning drama, romance, action, and historical epics, the festival aims to celebrate the rich cultural legacy of Indian cinema. Screenings will take place in multiple cities, including Badulla, Jaffna, Galle, Kurunegala, Matale, Matara, and Nuwara Eliya, offering Sri Lankan audiences an immersive cinematic experience. Several popular films are scheduled to be premiered including RRR, Reva, Vikram among others.