In a report brought out by a BJP-appointed task force on black money named Sonia gandhi her husband late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi for stashed in foreign banks.
After the report Sonia Gandhi wrote letter to Advani which elicited him to apologise to Sonia
Here’s the text of the letter, written by the Congress president to Advani on February 15, which elicited the much-talked about apology.
Dear Shri Advaniji,
My attention has been drawn to a publication titled “Indian black money abroad in secret banks and tax havens,” purporting to be a report submitted by a task force appointed by the BJP.
This so-called report contains reckless and baseless allegations against me and my family, including my late husband and my mother. These lies energetically disseminated from time to time by sections in the media and interested parties have, so far, been treated by me with the contempt they deserve.
But, I must let you know that I am surprised and disappointed to find a leader of your stature, occupying important positions in the NDA and the BJP, endorsing such scurrilous and malicious fabrications through their release at a function presided over by you.
Yours sincerely,
Sonia Gandhi
Dear Smt Soniaji,
On my return from Kolkata last night, I found your letter dated 15th February awaiting me.
I am happy that you have denied the reports relating to you and your family in the task force’s report on black money.
If these had been denied earlier, the task force would have taken your denial into account. Even so, I deeply regret the distress caused to you.
Yours sincerely,
LK Advani
Meanwhile S Gurumurthy, convener of the task force that named the Nehru-Gandhi family in its report on black money in foreign banks, stood by its findings despite L K Advani’s apology to Congress chief Sonia Gandhi. He said Advani’s apology was not about the report per se. It had “more to do with the hurt” Sonia had expressed in her letter to Advani.
“A noble personal regret is being turned into a political apology by the Congress”, Gurumurthy said.
However another senior BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi Saturday stood firmly behind L K Advani, saying the apology showed the decency of the leader and would strengthen the party’s campaign against black money.
Dismissing the perception that Advani’s apology will weaken BJP’s campaign against the UPA over black money issue, Joshi said, “This will strengthen our campaign as it shows his decency.”