A two-day national conference on “Role of Social Scientists in Resolving Socio-Economic Issues”, was organised recently by the Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi, in collaboration with Department of Economics, Abeda Inamdar Senior College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune, and Indian Association of Muslim Social Scientists (IAMSS), New Delhi .

In his presidential speech, Dr. P.A. Inamdar, president, MCE Society, Camp, Pune, stressed the need for the social scientists to come together to discuss and debate issues that confronted humanity. Social scientists could proactively help society to solve pressing problems of today’s world. Their knowledge and experience should be used to make the world a better place to live in. The session ended with a vote of thanks extended by Dr. Aftab Alam, head of the department of economics, AISC, Pune.

The occasion was marked by the adoption of a 7-point resolution by the participants. The resolution, read out by Prof. Haseena Hashia, states:

  1. To work towards cultivating moral/ethical values in the society.
  2. To work for strengthening the universal brotherhood envisaged in the preamble of the constitution.
  3. To inculcate habit of scientific thinking and reasoning and to promote other values mentioned under Fundamental Duties in the Article 15A of the constitution.
  4. To educate society on common and shared socio-economic problems of the society and the way forward.
  5. To work collectively towards the promotion of a fair and unbiased approach and treatment as well as to work for inclusive polity and environment.
  6. To set and define the roadmap for economic empowerment of socially marginalized individuals and groups.
  7. To find out all democratic and governmental mechanisms and policies to avoid and prevent any kind of unlawful and anti-social statements and activities which are detrimental to the socio-cultural fabric of India.