london fire
-London high rise buliding fire: 12 dead as a 24-storey tower block in west London engulfed in flames on June 14, 2017.

-Plasco building, Iran, January 2017: A fire at a 17-storey commercial building in the Iranian capital led to multiple deaths, including 18 firefighters. The building collapsed – it had been deemed unsafe prior to the incident.

-Baku, Azerbaijan, May 2015: 16 people died in a fire in a residential building, including five children – cladding on the outside of the building was blamed for the way the fire spread.

-The Torch, Dubai, February 2015: Fire swept through one of the tallest residential buildings in the world. Hundreds of people had to be evacuated from the 79-storey skyscraper.

-Krasnoyarsk, Russia, September 2014: A 25-storey tower block was destroyed by fire. All 115 residents fled the building and there were no reported casualties.

-Shanghai, China, November 2010: A fire in a 28-storey tower block killed 53 people and injured at least 90. Chinese state media reported that unlicensed welders were blamed for the accident.