Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has hit back at Congress President Rahul Gandhi after he accused her of lying about procurement orders worth one lakh crore rupees for Hindustan Aeronautical Limited (HAL). Ms Sitharaman said Mr Gandhi, is misleading the country.
In a tweet, the Congress President had alleged that the Defence Minister lied in Parliament and demanded that she should either place the documents in support of her statement or resign.
In a counter tweet, Ms Sitharaman gave details of contracts awarded to HAL since 2014 when the BJP came to power. She said, more than 49 thousand-crore rupees contract to HAL for the supply of 83 light combat aircraft Tejas to Indian Air Force was at the technical evaluation stage.
Another contract, whose tentative size is 20,000 crore rupees, for the supply of a batch of Kamov Ka 226 T helicopters was also in a similar stage.