Prime Minister Narendra Modi has congratulated the athletes of the Asian Para Games and the Youth Summer Olympics for winning the medals and making the country proud. While addressing the 49th episode of his monthly radio programme, Mann Ki Baat, the Prime Minister said that the spirit of the para-athletes to overcome all adversaries was inspiring.
He said it was privilege to meet the talented para-athletes who participated in the Asian Para Games held in Jakarta. Their spirit to overcome all adversaries was exemplary and inspiring. India created a new record in these games by winning 72 medals.
The Prime Minister underlined that he was blessed to meet the medal winners of the Summer Youth Olympics held in Argentina earlier this month, adding that their performance in the event was the best ever.He also extended an invitation to the sports lovers to visit the places of interest in the state such as the Jagannath Temple, Konark Temple and Chillka Lake.
The Prime Minister also said that India successfully organised the FIFA Under-17 World Cup last year, adding that the people across the globe acclaimed it as a very successful tournament.Prime Minister Modi also informed that the Men’s Hockey World Cup will commence on the 28th of next month and will conclude on December 16.
He called on the people to support the Indian hockey team in large numbers.The Prime Minister underlined that hockey in India flourished for the past many years and now the youth are being encouraged to take up the game.