of Rs 50,000 for those seriously injured and Rs 10000 for those with minor injuries, for farmers and their family members injured during the recent incidents at Bhatta Parsaul and Acheypur village areas in District Gautam Buddha Nagar.
Earlier in the day Congress leader Sachin Pilot and minister visited Dasna Jail to meet the farmers. He said that the incident needs to be probed. “The NCW report and reports by several other agencies indicate that there have been several issues that need to be addressed. More than the atrocities it is the land grabbing by the state government that needs to be addressed. The state government has made a real estate business out of all this and not just these two, other villages may have had to suffer,” he said.
Rahul Gandhi had on May 16 met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with a group of villagers from Bhatta and Parsaul. He complained to Singh about the alleged “repression” and “murder” of farmers in the Mayawati-ruled state.