Massive manhunt is going on for surviving members and accomplices of the militant group that killed 129 people in Paris on Friday night. Police have named 26 year old Salah Abdeslam, as a key suspect and have issued his photograph Reports say he has been identified as the renter of a car used in the attack when he and two others were stopped by police near the Belgian border,but then let go.

French police have appealed for information about Salah Abdelslam. Officials said, he was one of three brothers linked to the attack. Seven attackers, two of whom had lived in Belgium, died during a series of assaults in Paris. The only dead attacker to be named so far is a 29-year-old Frenchman, Ismail Omar Mostefai. French investigators are pursuing an international trail that stretches across Europe.

There are unconfirmed reports that a similar style attack might have been planned in Turkey for the same time but was foiled.

Meanwhile, French aircraft struck the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa in Syria. French Defence Ministry said, 10 fighter jets operating out of French bases in Jordan and the UAE dropped 20 guided bombs on a command centre. The attack was carried out in co-ordination with US forces.