AMN / New Delhi

A study conducted by Max Healthcare has found that oxygen requirement during the current Covid-19 wave stands at a nominal 23.4 per cent in comparison to the demands in the first and the second wave as high as 63 per cent and 74 per cent, respectively.

During a phase when Delhi recorded 28,000 positive cases per day in the second wave last year, hospitals across the city were full and no ICU beds were available.

In comparison to that, in the third wave, when the national capital recorded its highest around 28,000 positive cases in a single day, the hospital Covid occupancy is at less, as per the study.

The overall mortality in the first wave was at 7.2 per cent which increased to 10.5 per cent during the second wave. However, only 6 per cent mortality in Covid-19 patients during the ongoing wave has been recorded at hospitals.

Among the paediatric admissions across hospitals, only 41 children below 18 years have been admitted. However, no deaths have been reported in this age-group.